What weaning food is right for my baby, and when do I start?

During baby’s first four to six months, breast milk and/or formula with HiPP 1 Combiotic® are absolutely sufficient to supply your baby with all the nutrients they need. As regards the introduction of weaning food, scientific findings today give the same recommendations as for children without any increased allergy risks.
Act according to the development of your child and start using weaning food from 4 months at the earliest, and from the 6th month at the latest. Consult with your paediatrician to find out more. Introducing weaning food later does not provide any better protection against allergies..
As regards the selection of weaning food, modern science also does not place any restrictions anymore as far as allergy prevention is concerned. However, it can be a good idea – especially with children who have certain allergic risks – to introduce weaning food on a step-by-step basis. With the simply composed products of HiPP with just a few choice staple foods as ingredients, you can easily build up your baby’s diet step-by-step. (We only use ingredients with a low individual natural allergy risk.)
Proven to be easily digestible for starting with weaning food
Start with simply composed products and extend the menu step by step (see: How does the phased HiPP nutrition concept worK?). This way, your baby has enough time to get familiar with new ingredients one by one, and you can trace exactly what ingredients do or do not cause any problems.
Further information on the introduction of weaning food is available here.